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Exhibition Dates

  • Somewhere to Stay: Kirkcaldy Galleries, 4th February-14th May, 2023
  • Somewhere to Stay: outdoor art installation at the Wardlaw Museum, University of St Andrews, 25th May 2023 – 7th January 2024
  • Somewhere to Stay: indoor exhibition in the Research Studio at the Wardlaw Museum, University of St Andrews, 7th September 2023 – 7th January 2024
  • Somewhere to Stay: indoor exhibition at Sikorski Memorial House, Glasgow, 3rd February – 31st August 2024
  • Somewhere to Stay: indoor exhibition at The Dick Institute, Kilmarnock, Sat 14th Sept 2024 – Sat 1st March 2025
  • Somewhere to Stay: indoor exhibition at Callendar House, Falkirk, 29th March-7th September 2025

All exhibitions are free. If you are interested in hosting this art installation at your own institution, please contact us at [email protected].

Schools Workshops

We are collaborating with the educational charity Never Such Innocence to run a series of free schools workshops in Kirkcaldy, St Andrews, Kilmarnock and Falkirk in connection with our exhibitions. See here for more details.

Virtual Tour

For a flavour of our exhibition, and some visitor responses, please watch the following video: