This resource list offers a sample of publications and projects which we have found inspiring in developing our work. It doesn’t begin to cover all the reading material that is available on forced migration, but we hope you enjoy this small selection. We include links to other publications in various blogs and podcast episode notes. A separate reading list on Polish forced displacements during WWII is available here.
- Campus in Camps – and Campus in Camps’ Collective Dictionary: Xenia
- Child Migrant Stories
- How to Talk about Migrations
- Iraqi Women, Art and War
- Letters of Refuge
- Living Refugee Archive
- The Other Side of Hope
- Refugee Nights
- Scottish Archives – Migration
- The Suitcase Project
- The Waiting Place project
- Suitcases: Telling Textile Travels
- UNICEF’s Unfairy Tales
- Walk with Amal
- We Are Here, Because You Are There: Afghan interpreters in the UK
- Women and Migration: sharing stories of resilience
- Waheed Arian, In the Wars – and his TEDx talk on ‘Healing through Compassion and Hope‘
- Ammar Azzouz, Go see what happened to my city, then you’ll know how I am, New York Times 2/2/23
- Lauren Banko, Katarzyna Nowak, & Peter Gatrell (2022), ‘What is refugee history, now?‘ Journal of Global History, 17(1), 1-19.
- Lilie Chouliaraki & Myria Georgiou, The Digital Border: Migration, Technology, Power, NYU Press
- Glynis Clacherty, ‘The Suitcase Project: Working with Unaccompanied Child Refugees in New Ways‘, part of the Peace Psychology Book Series book series (PPBS,volume 24)
- George Butler, Drawn Across Borders
- Lina Fadel, ‘‘But You Don’t Look Like a Syrian’: Migrant Narrative Beyond the Dichotomous Divide in Migration Studies‘ in Displaced Voices: A Journal of Archives, Migration and Cultural Heritage 2, 1, p. 61-65 – and A Syrian academic at the Fringe: why I put on a show to reclaim the stories of refugees like me, 7 Sep 2022, The Conversation
- Elena Isayev, Migration, Mobility and Place in Ancient Italy (CUP) and ‘Between hospitality and asylum: A historical perspective on displaced agency‘, International Review of the Red Cross (2017), 99 (1), 75–98
- Sunder Katwala, Steve Ballinger & Matthew Rhodes, ‘How to Talk about Immigration‘
- Kate Kuschelnder, ‘Women and Resilience: Stories of Resilience Project‘
- Dina Nayeri, The Ungrateful Refugee, The Waiting Place, and Who Gets Believed
- Alison Phipps (2019) Decolonising Multilingualism: Struggles to Decreate. Series: Writing without borders. Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781788924054; also (2013) Intercultural ethics: questions of methods in language and intercultural communication. Language and Intercultural Communication, 13(1), pp. 10-26. (doi: 10.1080/14708477.2012.748787); also
- Phipps, A. , Aldegheri, E. and Fisher, D. (2022) The New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: a report on the local and international dimensions of integrating refugees in Scotland.Project Report. University of Glasgow.
- Pong, B. (2024) ‘The “Politics of the Faceless”: Proliferated Drone’s-Eye Views of Forced Migration’, Cultural Politics (2024) 20 (1): 112–135 (doi:
- Kate Reed & Marcia Schenck, The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugee and Global South Researchers (McGill-Queen’s Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Series)
- Silvia Rodriguez Vega, Drawing Deportation: Art and Resistance among Immigrant Children, NYU Press
- Natasha Saunders & Tamata Al-Om, ‘Slow Resistance: Resisting the Slow Violence of Asylum‘
- Salvatici, Silvia. ‘Sights of Benevolence: UNRRA’s Recipients Portrayed’, in Heide Fehrenbach and Davide Rodogno’s edited volume Humanitarian Photography: a history (Cambridge 2014): 200-222.
- Schiocchet, Leonardo and Nölle-Karimi, Christine (Eds). 2022. Forced Migration Studies: Current Interventions. ROR-n Plattform Series 1(3). Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences
- J. Silverstein & R. Stevens (eds), Refugee Journeys: Histories of Resettlement, Representation and Resistance
- Sitholé, Crawley, et al. (2022), ‘The Language of Migration‘, Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies: vol. 5.1, pp. 14-26
- David Vine et al., ‘Creating Refugees: Displacement Caused by the United States’ Post-9/11 Wars‘